Live Update: 19 Nov ’09, 8.41am MYT PST
Author : Muhamad Azman Ishak – dari Nokia N95
Invitation to join New Private Slot (Only 10 slots available) while stock last. (from nonprofit Support Forum)
Since too many people request for Private Server, I’ve decided to add another Private Server Elite to the famaly. So we would have 10 slots opening now. Server is just being ordered and should be ready in 2 days after we have finish installations. Anyway you can pay upfront for bookings.
Invitation to join a New Private Server Elite.
Fees: RM50.00 per month
Max Torrent Running: 2 active torrents
A) You customized your own *.torrent
B) Seeding speed 5Mbit upload each users or split each 2.5Mbit for each *.torrent
C) Transfer Public Tracker: 1:1 seeding at 5Mbit Upload
D) Diskspace Quota: 15Gb
E) Unmetered Download/seeding: Good for people using private tracker.
F) The best thing you can download via FTP & HTTP download.
G) IDM Connection: 8max connection.
P/S: Penat giler salin email pakai handpon. Kiriman dari saudara Roszizul (http://setiawangsa.net) sapa berminat boleh hubung ke: roszizul[@]gmail.com
20/11/2009 @ 3:09 pm
pergh.. rugi tuh. banyak mende boleh
download. bukan stakat movie jer. software
pon bleh ma. sangat penting. dulu aku
kureng pasal torrent ni. tapi bile dah
tau macam mane nak gune.. sure kalau
mendownload aku akan carik torrent dulu.
pakai torrent flux kejap jer. tak perlu
tunggu empat lima hari mendownload file besar gedabak :sengeh:
20/11/2009 @ 11:26 am
wohohohoho.. tak minat dalam torrent meng-torrrent nih.. :segan: :segan: :segan:
19/11/2009 @ 9:12 am
sampai ade typo disitu..semangat hang saling balik… :gile:
aku pun nak join gak la famaly ko ni..hehe :hehe:
siyes berbaloi..speed lech takde henggat punye..kalo download kompem berbaloi-baloi! baloi! aloi! :lawak-gile:
19/11/2009 @ 7:42 am
wow.. interesting..